Fetch and display weather data.
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DebugServer.py Snapshot 1c4b68d
HandleWeatherFile.py Snapshot 1c4b68d
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README.md Snapshot 1c4b68d
WebServer.py Snapshot 1c4b68d


Weather web server

Web server that fetch and display weather data.

Weather data provider

The weather data are provided by infoclimat.fr (not affiliated).
Why them ? They got weather data accessible from a registration free public API.
Are they the best ? Probably not, their API lack modularity and some data that may be critical depending on your application.
Do they provide data outside France ? No.


For debugging/development purpose, you could simply use python3 DebugServer.py to launch the integrated flask webserver.
To deploy in production, there's multiple possibility depending on your need, see the official flask documentation for reference.


By default the development server is accessible via and display the weather of today and the next 6 days at Paris.

You could navigate to;long where "lat" and "long" are the latitude and longitude of the place you which to display.


  • The freezing point and rain quantity are only displayed when it's snowing and raining respectively.
  • The bold number represent the gust of wind and is only displayed when it is greater than the average speed of wind.
  • Use the buttons on the top-left of the table to access night-mode and display the help.

Illustration of the page

Optional parameters

Use the following URL parameters to change the default behavior.

Obviously you can use parameters with or without the lat;long elements like this:;2.17402?day=2&today=0&title=Weather%20at%20the%20Eiffel%20Tower that will display the weather for the next two days at some random tower in Paris.