Proof of concept of a kanban style application.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Romain 7d74b909ab Snapshot fae2fd741d
assets Snapshot fae2fd741d
back Snapshot fae2fd741d
front Snapshot fae2fd741d
Licence note Snapshot fae2fd741d Snapshot fae2fd741d
docker-compose.yml Snapshot fae2fd741d
package-lock.json Snapshot fae2fd741d
package.json Snapshot fae2fd741d



Proof of concept of a kanban style application.

Technology stack

  • MongoDB for the database with Mongoose as the Object Data Manager.
  • ExpressJS as the backend web framework.
  • React for the frontend with Redux to handle the application states.
  • NodeJS as the JavaScript runtime.


Using docker

Use the provided docker-compose.yml script to launch the application directly.

While being at the root of the application, use:

docker-compose up

Using npm

If you prefer launching the application directly, you will need to provide a MongoDB instance for the application to connect. Edit back/config/keys with the necessary information.

You can then launch both the back and frontend with npm start at the root of the application.


Navigate to to see the frontend.

Backend accessible via (obviously not much to see here)


Main screen populated main

Task update screen update