# Kanban ## Description Proof of concept of a kanban style application. ### Technology stack + [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/) for the database with [Mongoose](https://mongoosejs.com/) as the Object Data Manager. + [ExpressJS](https://expressjs.com/) as the backend web framework. + [React](https://reactjs.org/) for the frontend with [Redux](https://redux.js.org/) to handle the application states. + [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) as the JavaScript runtime. ## Installation ### Using docker Use the provided `docker-compose.yml` script to launch the application directly. While being at the root of the application, use: ```bash docker-compose up ``` ### Using npm If you prefer launching the application directly, you will need to provide a MongoDB instance for the application to connect. Edit `back/config/keys` with the necessary information. You can then launch both the back and frontend with ```npm start``` at the root of the application. ## Usage Navigate to []( to see the frontend. Backend accessible via []( (obviously not much to see here) ## Screenshots **Main screen populated** ![main](assets/main.png) **Task update screen** ![update](assets/update.png)